Introducing Ready-to-Paint Framesets
10 May, 2020

Introducing Ready-to-Paint Framesets

By: Allied Cycle Works

What does it mean if your mental journal of life orients less around images of your children and thoughts of holidays -- instead your keenest memories are the bikes you’ve owned and where you’ve ridden them?

A close up of  green bike  frame with custom  a gold pattern

It means one thing for sure: You’d be in good company at the Allied HQ.

We know there is poetry in your first “real” bike. And when that bike got a wheelset upgrade. And your first bike when you felt really fast. And that one team replica bike. Then the dalliance in handmade steel. Then one in Ti. Then going deep on data and being awed by the virtues of high-end carbon. Bikes, bikes and more bikes.

And at some point the madness of buying-and-replacing-then-repeating feels aimless and unsatisfying.

It’s at this point – at least for some -- the name of the game becomes riding a bike that has lasting value.

What does that mean – “lasting value?”

To us It means a bike that satisfies two fundamental requirements:

  1. Is it engineered and constructed to the 99th percentile of technological advancement and quality control?
  2. Is it personalized in a way that makes this thing feel exclusively your own?

We’re now in our fourth year of existence here at Allied. We’ve been confident for awhile now that we hit the mark on design and manufacturing excellence. And while we’ve been happy with our ability to offer personalization by opening up the entire PPG paint catalog to our customers, the history of art proves that color isn’t enough.

Composition is where stories are told. This is how a bike becomes more than a structural thing – it opens the door to making it a sentimental thing.

This is why we felt a burning need to make our bikes a blank canvas for you.

We’re excited to announce that we’re launching “Ready to Paint” as an option on the Able, the Allroad and the Alfa Disc.

When you order your new frame we’ll do each and every pre-paint step as though we’ll paint it here. But what we’ll ship you is a flawlessly primed and sealed frameset. It’s your canvas. Find the painter who can tell your story, and make it a thing of beauty. Make it yours and yours alone.

It doesn’t take much time on Google to track down the websites of a number of super-qualified and talented painters. One of our very favorites is Florida-based Ross Piper. The fact he’s both an architect and a freelance artist is fortuitous: His sense of space and color is glorious. His most recent creations – done in conjunction with our amazing dealer Bearded Bike Doc – are inspiring examples of what’s possible.

An image displaying 4 layers of paint to achieve a custom frame design
A bike with a bright purple custom color
A bike custom painted with bike parts
A custom painted green and gold bike on a red dirt road with water in the background
A man and a child behind a ready-to-paint frame

A bike frame deconstructed and painted gold with a yellow floral pattern
A bike on a workbench with purple and white custom graphics
A tech installing a gold eagle badge on a green bike frame


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